Love Strategies: Dating and Love Advice for Successful Women
Welcome to the Love Strategies podcast, where we help women attract high-value men, date with strategy, and deepen their romantic relationships. We provide the latest research in dating and relationships, combined with plain old common sense, to give you insights into the male mind found nowhere else. Hosted by Adam LoDolce and Dr. Gary Lewandowski.
Love Strategies: Dating and Love Advice for Successful Women
7 Ways to Know if a Guy REALLY Likes You (or is just breadcrumbing)
A peculiar trend has emerged in the ever-evolving landscape of modern dating, leaving many to wonder, "What in the world are guys doing?" The scenario is all too familiar: you're texting a guy, the conversation is flirty, sparks are seemingly flying, and then suddenly, it all fizzles out to nothing. You might even suggest going out sometime; he agrees enthusiastically, and then... radio silence.
Here’s how to know if he likes you, or if he’s just breadcrumbing
Originally Aired: Mar. 03, 2024
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