Love Strategies: Dating and Love Advice for Successful Women
Welcome to the Love Strategies podcast, where we help women attract high-value men, date with strategy, and deepen their romantic relationships. We provide the latest research in dating and relationships, combined with plain old common sense, to give you insights into the male mind found nowhere else. Hosted by Adam LoDolce and Dr. Gary Lewandowski.
Love Strategies: Dating and Love Advice for Successful Women
4 Strange Ways to Turn a Guy On Emotionally
If a man asks you out and is pursuing you, there's a high chance he is already physically turned on by you. But how do you build that all-important emotional connection?
Hint: you don't need to head to the bedroom!
Here are some strange (but proven) ways to turn a guy on emotionally.
Originally Aired: Dec. 27, 2022
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